EPIC Funding

Call for

2024-25 EPIC Investment Projects

EPIC = Entrepreneurism, Policy, Innovation and Commerce


91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËÕ¶ receives an annual appropriation from the Florida Department of Education that supports the EPIC Program at 91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËÕ¶. 

The EPIC Program at 91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËÕ¶ enables transformative learning by encouraging a continuum of research, creative, and scholarly activities within the EPIC disciplines of Aviation, Business, Healthcare Sciences, Law, Public Policy, STEM/STEAM, and Sustainability while emphasizing the skills students need for entry into the Florida workforce, and strengthening academic support systems across campus to enhance the student experience and prepare students for entry into the Florida workforce. 


General Guidance for EPIC Investment Projects:

·       EPIC is a competitive internal grant program funded by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE). Selected projects will be included in 91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËն’s 24-25 budget to the FDOE.

·       Project period for EPIC awards is July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.  

·       Awarded funds will be available as of July 1, 2024.

·       All awarded funds must be spent no later than April 1, 2025, or they will be forfeited. 

·       Four quarterly reports detailing project progress are required of all EPIC awardees.

·       Letters of endorsement from the project lead’s Dean and Chair are required. Letters must reference the specific project and clearly indicate administration has been briefed regarding the project. 

·       Up to three $1,000 stipends are allowed per project. Teams larger than three people may choose to split the $3,000 max equally between the team members. Stipends must be thoroughly justified in the budget template.

·       EPIC Eligible Disciplines/Categories: Aviation, Business/Management, Healthcare Sciences, Law, Public Policy, STEM/STEAM, and Sustainability.  

·       Non-EPIC disciplines, such as Social Sciences and Fine Arts, may be eligible if they partner with one or more of the broader disciplines listed above. 

·       Answers to the application questions should be clear and concise. Narrative portions of this application will be included in 91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËն’s documentation to the FDOE. 

·       Applicants should return the completed form as a Word doc, available below, along with the Excel budget template and the two letters of endorsement (as applicable) to ORSP@91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËÕ¶.EDU no later than Friday, May 3, 2024 @ 5:00 pm. Allow at least 30 days for careful review of all proposals.

1. Application Form for EPIC Investment projects 2024-25

2. EPIC Budget Template