Searches for Full-Time Faculty

First, familiarize yourself with this document: Faculty Search Procedures: Procedures to aid in faculty searches.

Filling A Vacancy

When the chair/unit administrator, in consultation with the dean, determine a vacancy in a department exists, the chair shall, with the dean and Provost's approval, appoint a search committee.

Prior to the search, the rank and salary range of the position shall be recommended to the Provost by the appropriate dean. The Provost shall inform the chair/unit administrator of the salary range.

The chair/unit administrator then submits a completed Office of People & Culture Action Form to the dean who signs it and forwards it to Academic Affairs. A search can not begin until this form is complete and has been approved by both the Provost and Financial Affairs.

Advertising for a Search

Once a search has been authorized, the Office of Academic Affairs will place a job posting on upon request. Office of People & Culture will post the position on the 91´óÉñèÏÈÉúǧÈËÕ¶ "Employment Opportunities" web page. If the department wants the job to be posted on a specific journal site, that department is responsible for posting the position and paying for it.

All required documentation to hire full-time faculty must be submitted to Academic Affairs before a contract letter is created. Background checks must come back clear. A list of required documents is available under Faculty Information.